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The new BamBooby Buddies Breast Pads are coming soon

After using disposable breast pads (and hating them) with my first child Olivia I knew there had to be a better option. When I became pregnant with my second, I started researching alternatives and came across bamboo breast pads.

So I went out and sourced all the fabric I needed, pulled out the sewing machine and went about making my first lot of breast pads.

To my delight, the breast pads worked a treat and the best part was they got better the more I washed them. Not only were they so much more comfortable there was also a huge cost saving because I was able to re-use them.

I was so pleased with them that I started giving them to my friends who were also breast feeding and it wasn’t long before I was getting requests from people I didn’t even know wanting to use them.

A huge amount of testing and valuable feedback from my wonderful network of mothers have gone into developing what we believe is one of the best products available.

And that’s how my little business came about.

Stay tuned as the sewing machine is in full throttle as I start building up our stock levels and offering them for sale to everyone through our new website.

A special thanks to everyone who has been a part of helping us develop the bamboo breast pads. I have been overwhelmed by the support and encouragement to start the business to enable me to help all the mothers out there who choose to breast feed.

Kind regards,