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Breastfeeding After A Caesarian Delivery

Can you breastfeed after undergoing a c-section? Yes, of course! Breastfeeding does not have anything to do with how you delivered your child.

Babies are most of the time alert if they’re delivered through elective caesarean. But if a baby was born via emergency caesarean, the result may be more stressful for both mum and infant.

After Giving Birth

Make sure that you ask your doctor or pediatrician about breastfeeding your child right away.

Don’t let your baby be handled by others too much. There are some hospitals that allow you to have contact with your baby while you are still in the operating room. When the pediatrician is confident about the baby’s health and condition, your baby will then be placed on your chest while the obstetrician stitches you up. Breastfeeding can start as soon as the baby’s  placed on your chest. Cherish this moment, welcome to motherhood. Don’t mind the anaesthesia you had since it really won’t affect with your breastfeeding.


Some people say that breastmilk doesn’t usually come right away if a mother has undergone a caesarean. Lactation starts after the placenta has been removed. Though some babies may take a bit longer to get their birth weight back, it isn’t significant at all and will not have any repercussions.

How you position your baby when breastfeeding is very critical if you want to prevent sore nipples. Ensure that your baby’s body is close enough, his chest on yours, his chin on your breast and his nose away.

We understand that after undergoing a c-section you may just want to rest and may not feel up to feeding your baby overnight. But keep in mind that it is essential for your baby to get your colostrum and to start learning to breastfeed. By feeding him nightly, you prevent your breast from engorgement and you improve your milk flow.

When not to breastfeed

Not all mothers who have undergone caesarean can breastfeed right away. Some babies need to be placed in a humidicrib to stabilise their conditions. If you are told to suspend breastfeeding, the best thing you can do is to establish your colostrum. Colostrum can be regarded as a super milk since it has more protein and immunity elements than mature breastmilk. It also acts as a laxative to help your baby in his bowel movement.

In Summary

It’s not true that women who have undergone a cesarean cannot breastfeed. If you are not yet sure and still need some extra push, contact Australian Breastfeeding Association and they will be very glad to help you get past your anxieties about breastfeeding after a caesarean.

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Going Green While Breastfeeding

Going green seems to be a big issue nowadays. If you are breastfeeding and are someone who is conscious about the conservation of our environment and want to do your part to take care of it then we have some suggestions for you.

There is nothing more natural than breastfeeding your baby. I understand that for some mums unfortunately this is not possible but if you can breast is best, both for your baby and the environment. Formula creates waste in terms of the packaging, as well as the energy spent to produce it, not to mention how expensive it is. By nursing your baby you have made a choice to go green already. Below are a couple more suggestions to go green a step further.

Nursing pads are necessary for every breastfeeding mother. Just imagine trying to survive without them. Your shirt would be soaking wet! You probably already know by now how important breastfeeding pads are, but did you know that there are different kinds of breastfeeding pads?

To begin with, the disposable pads are the worst. Not only are they expensive; but they also ruin our environment and create more waste. It would be a good idea to stay away from the disposable ones and settle for washable breast pads. Imagine how helpful washable breast pads are. No more buying boxes and boxes of disposable pads, because with your washable pads you just wash and reuse.

In addition to using washable pads, why not go one step further and use organic breastfeeding pads? These pads do not contain any harmful chemicals compared to using non-organic ones which are treated with toxic chemicals when manufacturing or processing the fabric. Furthermore, by using organic pads, such as bamboo breastfeeding pads, you reduce the risk of having sore or cracked nipples as organic breastfeeding pads have antibacterial properties thus protecting your breasts from any kind of infection.

Bambooby Buddies creates incredibly soft and absorbent Bamboo breast pads that will make your breastfeeding journey even more enjoyable. Check out our range and have a look at all the cute designs we currently offer!

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What to Do If You Have Sore or Cracked Nipples

It can take some time to get used to the sucking of your baby. Expect your nipples to be sensitive when you start breastfeeding. Though sore nipples are expected during the first week or so of breastfeeding, allowing your baby to be fed as often as possible gives you the best chance of avoiding damaged nipples.

By being extra gentle in getting your baby on and off your breast and patience should solve the problem. Keep in mind that only when your infant learns how to suck or attach properly can your sore nipples heal and improve. Though it may be tempting to put off feeds, you shouldn’t. Instead, try to feed your infant regularly for shorter periods. By doing so, your baby will calm down and be less hungry and gentler when sucking your nipples.

Before feeding:

  • Ensure that you feed your infant before she starts crying.
  • Don’t stress yourself. Make it a point that you’re comfortable when breastfeeding.
  • It will also help if you massage your breasts gently so your milk can easily flow out.
  • Express some milk so your areola can soften and to lubricate your nipples as well.

During feeding:

  • Give your infant the side that is not sore.
  • Ensure that your infant is positioned properly and that she’s attached to your breast.
  • Try out different feeding positions.

After feeding:

  • Check your nipples for signs of stress.
  • Leave your bra open until your nipples are dry.
  • Change your breastfeeding pads regularly. Consider washable bamboo breastfeeding pads since these pads have antibacterial properties that can protect your nipples from possible infections.


  • Using products that may damage your nipple skin.
  • Using plastic-backed breastfeeding pads.
  • Using breast pumps that have strong suction.

Remember that painful, sore or cracked nipples should be treated right away. In most cases an incorrect position causes a sore or cracked nipples. If the soreness of your nipple is not improving and healing seems slow even after you have done our tips above, then it’s better if you just consult with your medical adviser.

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Increasing Your Milk Supply

Babies need to be nourished, comforted, and reassured. But how can you do this if you seem to have an insufficient supply of milk? Below are some ideas to help you increase your supply.

It goes without saying that everything your baby needs to grow and be healthy is in your breast milk. Breast milk is the best food for your baby for the first six months of their life. If you work together with your baby hopefully you can successfully increase your supply and breastfeed for many months to come..

Suggestions for increasing your milk supply.

  1. The quickest and best way to increase your milk supply is by breastfeeding your baby more frequently. Try to breastfeed your baby every two or three hours within the day, for a  few days and see if it boosts your supply. Alternatively offer top up feeds between your normal feed times.
  1. Allow your baby to finish the first breast before changing to the second breast. Let your baby drink until your breast is drained and until he gets all the kilojoule rich milk.
  1. If you feel like your baby’s sucking is becoming less vigorous then a tip would be switch sides several times. According to some mothers, switching sides motivates your baby to suck more strongly thus stimulating a good let-down of milk.
  1. You can also massage your breast towards your nipple as your baby is feeding. Just ensure that you do not disturb the nipple being used by your baby.
  1. Relax when feeding your baby. Remove distractions and settle with your baby in a quiet room. Read a book while he is feeding or watch the TV.
  1. Babies decide how long they want to suck for even if your breast has been emptied. This is fine. Remember that babies sucking and stimulating is what makes more milk!

In summary

Make sure to:

  • Feed your baby more often than necessary.
  • Make sure your baby is well positioned.
  • Allow your baby to decide how long he wants to feed for.
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What to pack in your hospital bag

You’ve only got a few weeks to go and wondering what do I need to take to hospital? Well I’ve put together a list of what I think are the essentials both for the birth and the hospital stay for yourselves and bubs afterwards. It might be a good idea to take two bags, one for the birth and one for hospital. Check with your hospital what they supply you with as you may be able to cut down on a few things.


During Labour:

  • Birth plan
  • Old nightie or t-shirt to give birth in (probably best not to have something new as it will get messy)
  • Dressing gown
  • Slippers
  • Socks
  • Massage oil – if you would like to be massaged during labour
  • Lip balm
  • Snacks and drinks
  • Books / magazines / music – anything that will help you relax and pass the time
  • Hair tie –  especially if you have long hair you might want to tie it back to keep it out of the way
  • Heat pack – would be especially good if you get labour pain in your back

For the hospital Stay:

  • Your own pillow – might help you sleep better in the hospital
  • Toiletries – hair brush, toothbrush, toothpaste etc
  • Breast pads – Bambooby Buddies of course!
  • Maternity pads – will probably need 3 – 4 packs
  • Underwear  – a couple of maternity bras and some cheap or old knickers, not your best lacy numbers as they will just get ruined!
  • Pyjamas
  • Comfy , loose clothing to wear for the first few days. If you have a caesarean will want some pants that are not too tight around your waist. Plus will want tops with easy access for breastfeeding, I found the breastfeeding singlets good for the first few days while getting the hang of it


  • Camera – don’t want to miss the first few precious moments of your baby’s life
  • Watch – with second hand to time contractions
  • Snacks and drinks
  • Swimwear – if you are having a water birth
  • Mobile phone – so you can let all the important people in your life the big news
  • Change of clothes
  • Make sure the car seat if fitted, otherwise you won’t be able to leave the hospital!


  • Singlets – I like the all in one singlet suits that do up under bubs bottom, as they don’t ride up – you will need one per day for your stay. Will probably mainly need size 0000, but might want to have a couple 000 just in case!
  • Jumpsuits – the ones with feet in and cuffs that go over the babies hands are good – most hospitals are kept at a fairly even temperature so long sleeve are best to keep bubs warm, again one per day
  • Hat
  • Swaddle / wrap – it is recommended that most babies are swaddled as it helps them to sleep better and control there startle reflex – I would take at least four
  • Blanket for the bassinet – I prefer light cotton cellular blankets that way you can add or remove blankets if bubs is to hot or cold
  • Nappies – check with the hospital if you need to bring these as some supply them
  • Wipes and bags for dirty nappies
  • Baby bath soap
  • Jacket or cardigan in case it is cold when you leave the hospital
  • Burping cloths – in case you have a chucky baby
  • Your nappy bag – for the trip home, just in case you need it
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Why washable breast pads?

There are many reasons as to why to use washable breast pads:

  • They are much more comfortable. You don’t need to worry about having the pad stick to your clothing or even worse your breast!
  • They are definitely better for the environment. Disposable breast pads end up in landfill.
  • They will save you money. Disposable breast pads on average cost $0.30 a pad. If you end up breast feeding for 10 months that will cost you $270 (based on using 3 a day). If you buy a pack of washable pads for $39.95 that is a saving of $230.
  • They are very soft and help to soothe sore nipples
  • They are machine washable and will become more absorbent the more they are washed

In the end I think the main reason is comfort and savings. What more could you ask for from a product!

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Why Bamboo Fabric?

After much research I decided that bamboo fabric was the best option for Bambooby Buddies Breast pads. Bamboo fabric is great for the following reasons:

  • It is extremely absorbent. It is approximately 60% more water absorbent than cotton.
  • The fabric is very soft and is great to wear especially if your nipples are a bit sore
  • It draws moisture away from the skin, therefore will not feel wet when you leak. Plus it is naturally anti-bacterial and will not hold odour.
  • It is hypoallergenic therefore will not irate the skin
  • It is good for the environment as it doesn’t require pesticides to grow and it is 100% bio-degradable.
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Benefits of Breastfeeding

I think I am probably not alone when I say that I found breastfeeding my first baby very challenging. I had no idea what I was doing and to be honest Olivia wasn’t very good at it either! It was a foreign concept to both of us. I was so close to giving up on quite a few occasions but in the end I was very glad I persevered and ended up successfully breastfeeding her until she was 9 months old.  As a first time mum struggling with breastfeeding I think the reason I kept going was because I asked for help in the form of a lactation consultant as well as my local Maternal Child Health Nurse. Plus I realised that if I had to supplement my breastfeeding with a bottle of formula it wasn’t the end of the world, and didn’t mean that I had failed at breastfeeding or was a bad mum, I was simply doing what was best for my baby.

So for other mums out there struggling here are my top reasons for ploughing on and continuing to breast feed:

  1. It’s free. It can become quite expensive if you have to formula feed.
  2. It’s convenient. I didn’t have to stuff around with bottles all the time, plus if you were out and found your baby needed a feed, it was always possible.
  3. It does get easier. The first six weeks are probably the hardest but once you both get the hang of it, it becomes very natural.
  4. It forces you to sit down and take a break. Especially in the first few weeks where sleep is scarce it is nice to sit down, relax, and cuddle your baby while you feed.
  5. Breast milk is all your baby needs for the first six months of their life, plus it helps them to fight infection.
  6. Last but definitely not least, it helps you to lose weight. I was really surprised at how easily and quickly I lost a fair amount of baby weight, unfortunately not all of it though!
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The new BamBooby Buddies Breast Pads are coming soon

After using disposable breast pads (and hating them) with my first child Olivia I knew there had to be a better option. When I became pregnant with my second, I started researching alternatives and came across bamboo breast pads.

So I went out and sourced all the fabric I needed, pulled out the sewing machine and went about making my first lot of breast pads.

To my delight, the breast pads worked a treat and the best part was they got better the more I washed them. Not only were they so much more comfortable there was also a huge cost saving because I was able to re-use them.

I was so pleased with them that I started giving them to my friends who were also breast feeding and it wasn’t long before I was getting requests from people I didn’t even know wanting to use them.

A huge amount of testing and valuable feedback from my wonderful network of mothers have gone into developing what we believe is one of the best products available.

And that’s how my little business came about.

Stay tuned as the sewing machine is in full throttle as I start building up our stock levels and offering them for sale to everyone through our new website.

A special thanks to everyone who has been a part of helping us develop the bamboo breast pads. I have been overwhelmed by the support and encouragement to start the business to enable me to help all the mothers out there who choose to breast feed.

Kind regards,